Wednesday 4 April 2018

Who Reviews The Forgotten Army by DJ Forrest

Written by Brian Minchin
For BBC Books
Published in 2010

It’s not unusual for the Doctor to come upon strange creatures set in their wrong time zones, I mean, these days, given the episodes of Who we’ve seen, having a large T Rex isn’t out of the norm for the Doctor to see rampaging through the Victorian streets of London. However, the white woolly mammoth he and Pond ride through the corridors of the Natural History Museum in New York is anything but what it should be.

It’s a brilliant Who story and one I found I couldn’t put down for long. The miniature Vykoid army reminded me of mini animated gnomes, which I’m sure they didn’t really resemble. The Police were typical of the uniformed officers you see on pretty much every cop show going including the Academy series, and the head honcho lived up to her title too. Oscar however, was someone who Amy really had a soft spot for, but his heart lay with his station command, and not with a WPC who wasn’t a WPC.

Despite their size, the Vykoids have taken New York by storm and hold much of the New Yorkers hostage beneath the city streets, ready to send back to their own planet – victorious – only, they hadn’t banked on a Time Lord and his trusted companion.

Although, it’s not all plain sailing, especially when the Doctor is kidnapped by the 7cm high army!

It’s an easy read novel and before you know it, you’re on the last few pages – but it’s an exciting read and one I’m sure you’ll all enjoy reading.

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